Expecting Twins or More

Read about actual birth stories

Here are some links to valuable sites with great information:

ParentsPlace Expecting Multiples Board - Post questions and answers with other mothers expecting multiples

ParentsPlace First Year Twins Moms - Post questions and answers with other moms who are surviving the first year of twin parenthood

ParentsPlace High Order Multiples -  Share the experience with other parents who are expecting or already have triplets, quads or (gasp) more.

You can join ParentsPlace's Pregnancy Book Club to read reviews and
contribute your opinions on pregnancy related books.

ParentsPlace Breastfeeding Multiples Board - Post questions and answers about breastfeeding multiples

Facts about Multiples - link to an online encyclopedia about multiples

NOMOTC - National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club

WebMD Link to Twins, Triplets and More

Transcript of Multiple Birth Questions with Gila Leiter MD (WebMd document)

The Weighting Game (WebMD article of weight gain goals)

DONA - Doulas of North America will help you find a doula in your area

Here's a link to a Breastfeeding Twins and Attachment Parenting site that is full of great information

You can request a list of necessities for buying for twins or triplets at triptwn@aol.com

A very important link about HELLP syndrome and its symptoms
What is HELLP Syndrome?

TwinHope has a fact sheet on Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome

One of the best sites that gives detailed information and excellent links on Prenatal Testing

Monoamniotic Monochorionic Support Site for  anyone who is facing identical twins with only one amniotic sac

Expecting Multiples FAQ | Q & A--In the Beginning | Q & A--Time Flies When You Are Having Fun | Q & A--In the Home Stretch | Q & A--Looking Past the Big Day (or Night) | Birth Stories and Helpful Links

To contact us:

Email me with additional questions or responses you want shared here: tonyan@ivillage.com

This information is provided as general information only.  It is not a substitute for discussing your situation with your health care provider.  If you are worried about a situation, please do not hesitate to call your health care provider.  Remember they are there for you and your pregnancy.